"May all your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous- leading to the most amazing view.... Where something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder than your deepest dreams waits for you."
Days have gone by- and I haven't been inspired to write.. Scratch that- I have been writing incessantly - in my own journal, seen by only my eyes. But as far as being motivated to share any of these thoughts on a blog have been shut down or lost before my fingers have a chance to touch a keyboard. To explain in the simplest of terms, my days have been filled with activities based on impulse and desire rather than obligations and responsibilities. I have woken up in the morning to the sound of the surf report letting me know how big it's going to be at Diamond Head and wether or not its going to be tradewinds and choppy or Vog and glassy. I have become an obsessive yogi- practicing at least 5 times a week and having the class schedule encoded in my brain so I know exactly whose teaching what class at what time. I've sat in the park and gotten guitar lessons with Johnny- feelin a rush of bliss after mastering chords for a John Mayer and a Jason Mraz song. And in between that I've been to concerts (most recently Al Green- so much character and energy!) Stand up paddled to the Mokes, made some North Shore trips, roamed in natures mountains and jungles, and have gotten so lost in my days that I can't believe it's already going to be February!
And after all this wonderfulness- (is that word?) I have realized that as much as I can appreciate these incredible days of leisure and enjoyment, I need more. "Content" has never been a word that sits well with me- even though the definition of "content" is to be reasonably happy and satisfied with the way things are. In many aspects of my life- I am completely fulfilled and then some.... but it's nice to know I won't fall into the trap of idleness. Not to spoil my plans and reveal anything- but I feel like making waves- and then riding them all the way to shore.
Aloha ♥