Practicing yoga everyday, I have been fortunate enough to practice under the wisdom and knowledge of some incredible teachers- one in particular I have really come to respect and admire. Over the past week, he has introduced me to Amma. Amma, meaning mother, is an Indian holy women who has traveled the world offering her messages of love and compassion and bestowing hugs (She is also affectionately called "The Hugging Saint") and blessings to millions of people. She has dedicated her life to uplifting those who are suffering and bettering humanity. My teacher is fond of ending class with one of her quotes and her words are nothing short of enlightening and inspiring.

"Compassion does not see the faults of others. It does not see the weaknesses of people. It makes no distinction between good and bad people. Compassion cannot draw a line between two countries, two faiths or two religions. Compassion has no ego; thus there is no fear, lust or passion. Compassion simply forgives and forgets. Compassion is like a passage. Everything passes through it. Nothing can stay there. Compassion is love expressed in all its fullness."
Namaste & Aloha =)