DREAM: noun.
1 : a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep.
Sigmund Frued believed that nothing you do occurs by chance and that every action and thought is motivated by your unconscious at some level. He believed that to live in civilized society, we as humans have a tendency to hold back our urges and impulses, but inevitably they must be released in some way. Enter, The Dream.
In a dream- reality transcends and you no longer have control over where you are and what you do. The mind takes over- running where it wants to and forcing you to tag along for the ride. The dream is an outlet, a way for those repressed thoughts and feelings to be expressed in a safe environment where we are liberated from judgement and others opinions.
My rejuvenation time has been invaded by reoccurring dreams lately, and once awake I am left with the question of why the same situation keeps coming up in my unconscious state. I believe that dreams do serve as message- so obviously my body, mind, spirit, is trying to tell me something and in it being reoccurring, is directly related to the importance of the message.
In researching the content of my dream and analysis of possible meanings, I recognized many of the answers to ring true to my personality and feelings (repressed and shadowed). The analysis of my dream enabled me to find insight about myself and a way to explore notions I might otherwise overlook.
Case in point: don't overlook your dreams as an imagination running wild. With examination and interpretation, dreams become another extent of experience to understand another dimension of ourselves....
Goodnight. Sleep tight & Sweet Dreams. ♥
Aloha Nui Loa