Over a year ago I read an article from my mom's magazine that inspired me. The article had three different woman write about what made them feel truly beautiful- radiating form the inside out- kind of beautiful.
I read the article in California and was reminded of my circle of friends I was building back in Hawaii who hold this type of beauty.
I set an intention to start on a project of my own- dubbing it, "The Beautiful Project" - creative and original right? ;-)
I realized the list of ladies I could pose this question too was endless, reminding me of the special people I have in my life.
Unfortunately, this project was put on the back burner as other goals, priorities, and work took over...but while I was cleaning my room a few days ago, I found one of the first answers I received from my dear friend and sister Katherine. She was one of the first that I asked this question to, "What makes you feel truly beautiful?" and what I got, was nothing short of a beautiful answer.
" I rarely feel lovelier than when I'm laughing or smiling or causing someone to do the same. Maybe this is why humor, wit and the things ridiculous cause me to saunter after others and draw them near to myself. As long as we can laugh together it is difficult to feel unsightly; the act of amusement casts the dullness off ourselves.
I suppose, it we're being specific, what makes me smile inwardly as well as outwardly most are: taking in a sunset with a soulmate, a lonesome surf amongst the throng whilst feeling anything but lovely, a well-timed smile erupting a ripple of beatitude around you, hiking into a lost land in a rainstorm and meeting yourself in others, enkindling them by being yourself."
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My heart is telling me to pick up this project where I left it and take it somewhere big!