Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It was a rare event- I had 2 days off.... in one week!... IN A ROW.  That is something to look forward to. Sunday and Monday were all mine.  I had plans- most of which included beach and simple downtime. Well, I got downtime all right. How ironic that my days off were spent on a B.R.A.T diet and trying to sleep off an obnoxious bug that didn't seem to want to leave my system. 
For those of you who are not my mom and don't know what the B.R.A.T diet is...
B is for Bananas
R is for Rice
A is for applesauce
T is for Toast

Mmmm.... Tasty right? So ono.  Yet being sick made me realize 2 things...

1.) We should NEVER take our health for granted...
yet most of us invariably do.  It is SO easy to wake up in the morning and go through our day to day without thought about how fortunate we are to be waking up, walking, moving, talking, eating, playing sports, living with health and independence.  Our body is an amazing machine- yet we don't seem to realize that until we get hurt or get sick, and suddenly all that is wished for is the days where we woke up and fell asleep with no pain and feeling perfectly normal.
Our bodies, and what it allows us to achieve is amazing.  Do not wait until something bad happens to appreciate the health you HAD, Appreciate now!  

2.) Listen to your body.
Simply put: If you can possibly help it... try not to work a 12+ hour day.  This upsets the body.
 Money is not worth it.  Health, mental sanity, a meal, and sleep are more important.  

So next morning when you wake up, don't forget to say a special thanks to your body. 

Aloha Nui Loa to mine! ♥ 

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Loving. Inspiring. Trustworthy. Encouraging. Accepting. Caring. Honest. Generous. Supportive. Nurturing. Selfless. Patient. Strong. 

How did I get so lucky to have a mother that embodies all of these characteristics and more?  
I feel fully appreciating a mother comes with time- and even now, as my gratitude to have my mom feels like it's at maximum capacity- I know that it will only grow stronger.  
To write down everything that she has done for me in the last 22 years would take hours and pages, and even then there are still things that I would be missing. 
Blessed doesn't even begin to explain my feelings for having such a wonderful woman in my life.  She is a perfect example, and continuously shows me, not just what kind of mother I want to be, but the kind of person I will strive to be.  Mom- I will be thanking you for the rest of my life. 
Wish I could be with you today- I'm always missing you. 
I love you  ♥

Saturday, May 8, 2010

♥Only as high as I reach can I grow

only as far as I seek can I go

 only as deep as I look can I see

 only as much as I dream can I be. ♥

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo!! A holiday usually confused with Mexican Independence Day.... and actually celebrated with limited recognition in Mexico.  But hey, we as Americans find ANY holiday (no matter whose it is) an excuse to party and have a good time.