Monday, June 14, 2010

catch up

Wow. June already? It's been a while since I have posted anything... but instead of writing too much I am just going to put some pictures that will show some things I have been up to.

First things first,
  what was life like without the iphone?! After months of going back and forth, my desire was finally strong enough for me to purchase one.  And with it came a new number!
I have had my 831 number since my sophomore year of high school! Kinda weird to officially be an 808... and to be getting constant calls for a "Chris".

PS: AT&T.. Thanks for giving me a recycled number and "Chris" don't be a jerk- tell your friends you got new digits!

Anywho... pictures! YOGA- Duh. 
I have been practicing Ashtanga.  The main focus of ashtanga is vinyasa - linking breathe and movement to create a dynamic series of asanas (postures.) The practice is composed of 3 main elements

  • pranayama - (breathing)
  • bandhas (internal lock) 
  • dristi (gaze points)
Combining these creates internal heat in the body which in turn purifies the body by purging toxins and focusing the mind.  

Oh ya.. and it's hard!  But that's the best thing about it.
Practicing some more yoga for the Honolulu Advertiser. 

Believe it or not- found some balance and have found myself at the beach more often! Shell picking is high on my hobbies list :) 

as is catching sunsets...

Other than that, finally making good on my promise to get back into dance and starting hula tomorrow!  Wont wait so long to post next time! 
Aloha nui loa ♥