Can I please have a repeat weekend of the Hawaii Spirit Festival?
On North Shore, no technology (ok I did have my phone but I was never on it), and the only stress (if you can even call it that) of the day was which workshop to take!
Pranayama with Rod Stryker? Or Happy Yoga with Steve Ross?
West African Dance or the Yoga of Astrology?
The Sprit Festival was an event that left me feeling inspired, liberated, and ALIVE. In participating in these workshops and meeting these master teachers who own studios, travel & teach yoga for a living - things became very real and very clear.
What these influencing individuals did for me- I want to do for others.
I decided that weekend- that my Yoga teacher training I planned for in 2012 couldn't wait.
My heart was telling me- Do it now.
It took me less than 10 minutes to find out that my studio was planning a teacher training in January 2011.
I can't blog about the HI SPirit Fest without talking about Twee. She's amazeballs! A senior teacher and trainer of Yoga who
I can't blog about the HI SPirit Fest without talking about Twee. She's amazeballs! A senior teacher and trainer of Yoga who
has been on a spiritual awakening tour for 3 years... traveling all over the world to inspire and empower people in different communities. She donates a portion of all of her proceeds from yoga events to local and global charities as a contribution to improve the lives of those less fortunate- like I said-amazeballs.
While I was taking her class, soaking in every word she said like a sponge, she kept going back to the same message, that we are our best guru- listen to your inner teacher, turn inward instead of looking outside for answers. I have never taken a class from someone who had so much passion and heart in her words.
There were probably 50 or more people in class and everyone seemed to be captivated by her presence and hanging onto her every word and lesson.
So while Twee reminded us that our best teacher is ourselves, I couldn't help but look at her in reverence- feeling so blessed to be in the same space at this astounding woman. I felt a force I couldn't ignore to talk to her after class and thank her (without begging her to take me under her wing, teach me everything she knows, and allow me to travel the world with her.) That's what I REALLY wanted to say... but I figured a simple "thank you" would be suffice.