"I think I am jaded to sunsets"- my friend Dane says
as we start moving out on the ocean.. preparing for a sail past the sunset returning only when the moon has risen for the night and everyone on the boat has had their fill of all you can drink mai tais, vodka & rum mixes, and cheap beers.
And I am ashamed to say... I felt the same. How many sunsets can you experience, how many pictures can you take, how many different colors can you count in the sky before they all start to run together? I took a moment to look at the sunset before my eyes and tried to feel it. Search my soul for the appreciation that should have already been present.
And then, as if Mother Nature felt my shame, the repeat-nothing special sunset I felt I had seen so many times before, changed to am amazing pink, orange extravaganza. We sat on the boat, everyone grabbing their camera's to take pictures, staring in silence and uttering words about how beautiful it was. And of course- reminding ourselves, "Lucky we live Hawaii"