Crystals have peeked my interest lately. How can a crystal have healing powers? Realign and rebalance energy? Bring peace and relaxation? Safeguard and protect you from harm?
Into my hands falls the book , "The Illustrated Guide to Crystals" thanks to my hippy sister Tess.
I learn quickly that crystals transmit and receive energies. They transmute and transform, attract or repel.
For example- the crystal quartz amplifies energy. Quartz receives energy, contains it, transmutes it, and then radiates the energy back out.
This focused energy means that they can be used for specific tasks like healing physical conditions, creating positive relationships, grounding, aiding with meditation, enhancing with creativity and so on.
As I continued reading, I got really jazzed at the thought of crystal shopping.
Where did I need some extra energy in my life? Where could I test this crystal theory?
Last night I went to a shop called "Sedona" - that sells everything from crystals to aromatherapy oils and candles and even physic readings if you so desire to gaze into your future.
It is said that the best crystal chooses you. So I tried to let go and let the crystals do their job. Thirty or so minutes later I had a quartz cluster in my left hand and a honey amber calcite in my right. Im not sure if these crystals "called" to me in any sort of way, maybe it was just personal preference with color and shape? At any rate they felt right and I left with them both.
Quartz cluster: one of the most powerful healing stones. An energy amplifier that doubles auric field- storing, releasing, and regulating every on physical and mental dimensions. Stimulates the immune system and enhances psychic awareness.
Calcite: Connects intellect and emotions. Alleviates emotional stress and brings peace and serenity. Memory aid, brings insight. Cleanses organs and bones, strengthens skeleton and joints. Brings in spiritual light and knowledge.
Now that these crystals are in my possession, they need to be purified and cleansed and then I'll need to dedicate it's energies to the higehst of all good.
The power of a crystal could be true. It could be the power of the mind, or it could be in the heart- but I'm open to seeing what happens with my new beauties.