Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

"Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love." - Leo Tolstoy
I made a quick stop at the grocery store last night on the eve of Valentines Day.  I couldn't help notcing the giant cookie, candy, flower and balloon stations set up at the entrance as easy targets for the confused men hovering around it. 
On the one hand, I applaud their efforts, because they are actually making one.  On the other hand, why is this holiday reduced to the monotonus card, box of chocolates, and bouquet of flowers?
I hope this doesn't make me sound ungrateful (it is the thought that counts) but the best part about a gift (besides giving it) is the thought process that goes with the selection of it.  Searching for that perfect gift for that special person- not under pressure and time ticking circumstances that makes you go out and buy whatever is left. 
This holiday reminds me of Thanksgiving- we need a day to remind us to stop and give thanks for our blessings just like we need a day to remind us to show our love to those in our lives.  Like many holidays, it has turned into a buying game great for chocolate and greeting card companies, jewlery stores and florists. 
Guys- save your money.  I can't speak for every female but I have no problem not celebrating Valentines Day. 
Leave me a love note randomly to find, pick me a single flower, use your words not your wallet.
But if you still want to give me chocolate I won't deny you that pleasure.
Celebrate and spread love everyday!