Sunday, January 2, 2011


I feel like I took a nap, woke up, and it was 2011. 
A new year, filled with new resolutions and a new outlook.  It has always urked me when people complain about the year before- , "I can't WAIT for 2010 to be over", "man 2010 was not my year", "I really hope 2011 is better." Whether or not these statements are true- the bottom line is- if you're alive at the end of the year.. it couldn't have been THAT bad. 
The end of the year is a time for reflection.  You look back on the past year, and what you see is dependent on your outlook and how you CHOOSE to view it.  Focus on the positive, and the year that just passed will be highlighted by the great things you accomplished.  Focus on the negative, then ya, your year probably seems a little tarnished plagued with problems. 

 I randomly came across an article this morning where I learned that January is named after the Roman God Janus. Janus is depicted as having two heads that face in opposite directions. 
One looking back into the past- reflecting on the year departed and one looking forward in anticipation of the new year and what it will bring.  
The God Saturn then bestowed upon Janus the ability to see into the past and the future. 
I bet the face looking forward has the better view. 

So all of a sudden it is January 2nd...  Time really does not stop for anyone. I used to right down at least 5 "resolutions" for my new year.  Things I promised myself I would do, and conversely, things I promised myself I wouldn't do, aka "give up sweets" psshh ya that worked. 

This year, I realized that resolutions are not just for the new year.  Why do you have to wait for the 1st day of the new year to resolve to do something! It's a mental attachment that we have to this date and time that we think we can "start over" on this date- everything in the past year is erased and we really will do what we say THIS year. Well- there is no use in waiting. Do. It. Now. If anything, I choose (I guess you can say "resolve")  to live with intention and integrity everyday. 
That being said- here are a few goals I DO have for 2011. 

1. Ride more party waves with my sisters in Mother Ocean. 
2. Detach from my iphone.. yes it's amazing in all of it's capabilities.. but nature is more beautiful than any picture I could set on my background. 
3. Nurture existing relationships while cultivating new ones. Take time out of the schedule to reconnect with my amazing circle. 
4. Minimalize material possessions. We all have too much Stuff.  My yoga instructors teacher got down to 100 items! That includes kitchen utensils, toothbrush, articles of clothing, yoga mat, etc. That's intense. 
5. Be SUPER smart and efficient with my budget so I can work and play equally. 
6. And as always... grow in my meditation and yoga practice to keep me grounded, humble, and thankful. 

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou & Happy 2011 my friends!